Wi-Fi Information


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What is Wi-Fi?

Wireless Networking:- 

                 Wi-Fi is a type of  Wireless technology used in 

computer networking.

This enables devices like smartphones and tablets to connect to the network.

needing cable. 

WLAN-Wireless Network 

The wireless part of the network is often called a WLAN. Wi-Fi is used for mobility.

This is where devices are able to move around while still being connected to the network.

A Wi-Fi network usually has one or more Wireless Access Points for Wireless devices to connect to.

You probably have one at home, built into your internet router.

Wireless devices have a Wireless network card built in.

  The beginning is the most important part of the work.

What is the network?

so maybe you already know what a network is. Maybe you've built your own network at home or helped someone to run the network at school or at your job. That's okay I don't want to bore you if this applies to you I would like to give you this challenge you learn the article and think of a good description of what a network is if you've come up with something you're happy with well done feel free to skip ahead otherwise stay with me and I'll see if I can come up with something for you. 

At work or home, you have a bunch of devices; computers, printers, TVs, and so on.

You connect these by means by means of a network. When the devices are connected they're able to share data. This could be sending a print job to a printer, sending an email, or streaming a video. This can also be used for sharing an internet connection.

Most network users are unaware of the network they're using as long as they can browse the internet and do their job browse YouTube they're usually fine. For all of these devices to communicate they need to be connected together somehow.

One way is to plug cables into the devices and connect them to another device called a switch. An example is in a school's computer lab in this case a computer in the lab connects to a wall socket with a cable. Another cable runs through the wall which comes out at a  patch panel. This may be in a cabinet on the wall somewhere in the room or in another room entirely. 

The port on the patch panel then connects to the switch you might have a switch at home too most homes don't have wall sockets so devices are connected directly to the switch we'll talk more about how switches work later. We can also connect devices wirelessly a common way to do this is to use a wireless access point a wireless network like this is also called Wi-Fi an example of this is if you have a tablet.

It is impractical to cable it in so wireless is a good option. The access point is like a switch without cables more than more devices can connect to the access point over time but without the messy cabling. The access point can also be connected to the switch with a cable this way wired and wireless devices can all be part of the same network.

 Having both wired switches and wireless access points gives you more connected options imagine you have a laptop in an office you may connect it to the network with a  cable when you're desk when you have a meeting in the conference room you remove the cable and connect to WI-Fi.

Whether wired or wireless, the goal of the network is to move information from one device to another for this work the sender and the receiver must understand each other. They need to speak the same language means that devices agree on how data is sent, received, organized, and handled. Basically, they agree on a process that they all follow.

It's a bit like filling out paperwork. This is called a protocol. A lot of different protocols are used depending on what's needed at the time. Network software and hardware are designed with these protocols in mind. You will hear of protocols like Ethernet and TCP which are used for sending and receiving data.

You may also hear of protocols like HTTP which is used for accessing the web and SMTP which is used for email usually several protocols are used together to achieve a task. We'll look at protocols further in future videos in summary networks that are used to connect devices together.

Devices use the network to communicate and to share information. To share information, devices need to speak the same language. This language is called a protocol which is a set of instructions on how to handle the information.


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