Technology Timeline (1752-1990)=The Telephone


Technology Timeline (1752-1990)

1752 Lightning Rod 

 Benjamin Franklin's electricity trials lead him to a  precious operation — the lightning rod, which when placed at the apex of a barn, church steeple, or other structure, conducts lightning bolts harmlessly into the ground. 

1776 Submarine

 David Bushnell's" Turtle" submerges by taking water into its tanks and reverses the process to rise. It moves by means of a hand coil propeller. The" Turtle" is used in an attack on Lord Howe's Flagship" Eagle," but attempts to attach a mine to the Eagle's housing fail. 

 1790 FirstU.S. Patent  

The United States issues its first patent to William Pollard of Philadelphia. His machine roves and spins cotton.   1794 Cotton Gin  Eli Whitney patents his machine to comb and deseed bolls of cotton.

1797 exchangeable corridor

  Eli Whitney contracts to manufacture 10,000 muskets for theU.S. Army. At the time, an entire musket would be made by a single person, without standardized measures. Whitney divided the labor into several separate ways and standardized corridors to make them exchangeable. 

  1801 Brume- Powered Pumping Station 

The Fairmount Water Works harnesses brume power to give water to the megacity of Philadelphia.   1803 Spray Gun  Alan de Vilbiss of Toledo, Ohio,  constructed this device to replace hearties as the system of applying drugs to oral and nasal passages. 

  1805 Amphibious Vehicle

  Oliver Evans'" Orukter Amphibolos" dredges the waters near the Philadelphia jetties. Its brume-powered machine drove either a rustic bus or a paddle wheel. Evans demonstrated his machine in Philadelphia's Center Square, where he passed the chapeau for plutocrats. 

  1806 Coffee Pot 

 Coffee alkies the world over no longer have to bite their pop. Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, invents a coffee pot with an essence sieve to strain down the grounds.   

1807 Steamboat 

 Robert Fulton, former model, and geography painter, opens American gutters to two-way trips. His steamboat the" Clermont" travels 150  long hauls upstream between New York and Albany at an average speed of 5 mph.   

1813 Armored Warship 

 Steam power enhances military power. Robert Fulton's" Demolos"  cruises. At 140ft. in length, it carries a thirty 32- pound cannon.   

1814 Plough 

 Farmers had furrowed the rocky soil of New England with rustic-sloped plows. John Jethro Woods of Poplar Ridge, New York, creates a plow with an interchangeable cast-iron tip, making husbandry in America easier.   

1817 Erie Canal  

Overland trip in the 1800s is slow and laborious. masterminds propose a plan to condense natural water systems by digging a 363 afar conduit to connect the Hudson River with Lake Erie. The" Seneca Chief" will make the initial run through the Erie Canal in 1825.   

1818 Profile Lathe 

 Thomas Blanchard of Middlebury, Connecticut, builds a woodworking lathe that does the work of 13 men. His invention helps to lower wood prices.   

1830 Electro- glamorous  Motor 

 Joseph Henry, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science at the Albany Academy, builds a motor employing the electromagnet,  constructed by William Sturgeon in London just five times before. Henry's motor has no practical use.   

1831 Reaping Machine  

The McCormick Reaper, which cut grain important faster than a man with a scythe, failed to catch on. McCormick ended the first unit around 1840; by 1844, only 50 had ended. After taking his operation to Chicago, McCormick prospered. By 1871 his company was dealing with 10,000 reapers per time.   

1833 Sewing Machine  

Walter Hunt invents the first cinch-  sew sewing machine, but loses interest and doesn't patent his invention. latterly, Elias Howe secures a patent on an original cinch sew machine but fails to manufacture and vend it. Still, latterly, Isaac Singer infringes on Howe's patent to make his own machine, which makes Songster rich. Hunt also invents the safety leg, which he sells outright for$ 400.

1834 Threshing Machine  

 JohnA and Hiram Abial Pitts construct a machine that automatically threshes and separates grain from the chaff, freeing growers from a slow and laborious process.   

1836 Revolver  

To finance the development of his" six-shooter," Samuel Colt traveled the lecture circuit, giving demonstrations of laughing gas. recruit's new armament failed to catch on, and he went void in 1842 at age 28. He reorganized and vented his first major order to the War Department during the Mexican War in 1846, and went on to come rich.   

1837 Power Tools  

Thomas Davenport of Brandon, Vermont, is one of the first to find a practical operation for the electric motor. He uses a motor he erected to power shop ministry and also builds the first electric model road auto.  

 1840 Paint Tube  

John Rand invents a collapsible essence squeeze tube. The vessel incontinently hits requests in Europe, where it's used to hold and apportion artists'  colors.  

1842 Ether Anesthesia 

 Crawford Williamson Long, of Jefferson, Georgia, performs the first operation using an ether-grounded anesthesia when he removes an excrescence from the neck of Mr. James Venable. Long won't reveal his discovery until 1849.  

 1843 Vulcanized Rubber  

Rubber, so named because it could abolish pencil, had long been considered a waterproofing agent, but in its natural state, it melted in hot rainfall and set solid in the cold wave. After ten times of inexhaustible work and menial poverty, Charles Goodyear perfects his process for" vulcanizing" rubber or combining it with sulfur to produce a soft, pliable substance innocent by temperature.   

1844 Telegraph  

SamuelF.B. Morse demonstrates his telegraph by transferring a communication to Baltimore from the chambers of the Supreme Court in Washington, DC. The communication," What hath God wrought?" marks the morning of a new period in communication.   1

845 False Teeth  

Cladius Ash helps Americans get a better grip on what they are eating. He creates a new type of artificial dental wear and tear featuring individual demitasse teeth mounted with sword springs.   

1846 Cylinder Printing Press  

RichardM. Break creates a revolution in printing by rolling a cylinder over stationary plates of a signed type and using the cylinder to make a print on paper. This excluded the need for making prints directly from the type plates themselves, which were heavy and delicate to maneuver.   

1851 Crystal Palace 

 In a glass glasshouse in London, the Great Exhibition begins. Among the 14,000  shows were Colt's repeating dynamo, Goodyear's vulcanized rubber, and Gail Borden's meat biscuit. further than six million callers from around the world attended. The exhibition came as a model for all World expositions to come.   

1857 Passenger Elevator  

Elisha Graves Otis dramatically demonstrates his passenger elevator at the Crystal Palace Exposition in New York by cutting the elevator's lines as it ascends a 300-bottom palace. Otis' unique safety retardation system prevents the elevator from falling; his business prospects rise.   

1858 Burglar Alarm 

 EdwinT. Holmes of Boston begins to vend electric burglar admonitions. latterly, his factory will be used by Alexander Graham Bell as the youthful Bell pursues his invention of the telephone. Holmes will be the first person to have a home telephone.   

1859 Oil Well  

Drilling at Titusville, Pennsylvania," Colonel" Edwin Drake strikes oil painting at a depth of 69.5 bases. Prior to that,  oil painting, which had been used substantially as a lubricant and beacon energy, had been attained only at places where it strained from the ground. Western Pennsylvania substantiations the world's first oil painting smash.   

1860 Repeating Rifle  

Tyler Henry, the principal developer for Oliver Fisher Winchester's arms company, adapts a pants-lading rifle constructed by Walter. Hunt and creates a new switch action repeating rifle. First known as the Henry, the rifle will soon be notorious as simply the Winchester.  

1862 Battle of the Ironclads 

 For the first time, two armored vessels battle each other in the ocean. The Union Monitor, designed from scrape by John Ericsson, features a two-cannon revolving turret and eight-inch plate armor. The Belligerent Merrimac, a  rustic peeled boat hastily accoutred with iron plates, holds its enjoy against the Examiner. The two battle to a draw.   

1863 Roller Skates  

James Plimpton of Medford, Massachusetts, gives the world the first practical four-wheeled comber grind. This sets off a comber mode that snappily spreads across theU.S. and Europe.   

1864 Oil Pipeline  

erected in the oil painting fields at Pithole, Pennsylvania, Samuel van Syckel's five- afar, the pump-operated channel made oil painting transport infinitely easier. No bone appreciated this lower than the Teamsters, who saw the channel as trouble to their business and destroyed it. The determined van Syckel hired a crew of" channel defenders" and rebuilt the channel.   

1865 Web Offset Printing  

William Bullock introduced a printing press that could feed paper on a  nonstop roll and print both sides of the paper at formerly. habituated first by the Philadelphia Ledger, the machine would come to an American standard. It would also kill its maker, who failed when he accidentally fell into one of his presses.   

1867 Barbed Wire  

Lucien B Smith of Kent, Ohio, invents a product that will close down the open cattle ranges by closing in cattle onto individual plots of intimately possessed land. I.L. Ellwood and Company's Glidden Steel Barb Wire will dominate the request; by 1890 the open range will be only a memory.   

1870 Pneumatic Subway 

 Working in secret to hide his operation from Boss Tweed, who opposes it, Scientific American publisher Alfred Ely Beach builds a curvaceous shelter under Broadway in New York. Beach's single shelter auto, which features upholstered chairpersons and chandeliers is driven along the 300  bottom lair by a 100  power cracker.

1873 Typewriter  Inspired

 by a Scientific American composition featuring a British attempt at the codifying machine, Christopher Latham Sholes invents his own. In 1873 he sells an advanced prototype to Remington and Sons, gunsmiths, of Ilion, New York, who begin to mass produce the machines. Among the first works to be produced on a typewriter is Mark Twain's" Adventures of Tom Sawyer."  

 1874 Structural Steel Bridge 

 Captain James Buchanan Eads finishes the ground across the Mississippi at St. Louis. Using a sword supplied by Andrew Carnegie, Eads incorporates a  triadic bow design, with spans measuring 502, 520, and 502  bases. The construction amazes the engineering world; Eads will be the first American mastermind to be awarded the Albert Medal of the Royal Society of Trades in London.   

1875 Electric Dental Drill 

George F Green of Kalamazoo, Michigan, replaces the agony of tooth decay with the anxiety of the dental drill when he invents an electric-powered device to drill teeth.   

1875 Mimeograph  

While using paraffin in an attempt to construct and ameliorate telegraphy tape recording, Thomas Alva Edison discovers a way to make indistinguishable clones of documents rather.   

1876 Telephone  Alexander 

Graham Bell patents his telephone,  erected with the backing of youthful tone-trained mastermind Thomas A. Watson. Elisha Gray, who developed an analogous device at about the same time, will unsuccessfully challenge Bell's patent.   

1877 Phonograph 

 Working with a  platoon of masterminds at his Menlo Park, New Jersey, laboratories, Thomas Alva Edison perfects a system of sound recording and transmission. The first recording replayed is a voice saying" Mary had a little angel whose coat was white as snow."   

1879 Incandescent Light Bulb 

 Backed by$ 30,000 in exploration finances handed by investors includingJ.P. Morgan and the Vanderbilts, Thomas Edison perfects an incandescent light bulb. The first marketable incandescent system will be installed at the New York printing establishment of Hinds and Ketcham in January 1881.  

 1880 Hearing Aid  Rhodes

 improves on the observance trumpet with another primitive hail aid. The device is a thin distance of hard rubber or cardboard placed against teeth which conducts climate to the audile whim-whams.   1882 Electric Fan  The world becomes a cooler place, thanks to the work of Dr.

 Schuyler Skaats Wheeler. His two-bladed office addict is produced by the Crocker and Curtis electric motor company.   1884 Exhilaration Lift  Thompson, author of Coney Island's Luna Park, invites the first passengers to board his new exhilaration lift, the comber coaster. Thompson calls. his new  magnet the Switchback

1887" Server" Record

  Edison's tube recording system produces distorted sound because of Graveness's pressure on the playing stylus. Emile Berliner, a German emigrant living in Washington, DC, invents a process for recording sound on a vertical slice. The" server" record is born.   

1888 Kodak Camera  

In Rochester, New York, George Eastman introduces a hand-held box camera for movable use. The camera is pre-loaded with 100 exposure film; after shooting the shooter returns the whole camera to the manufacturer for development and a reload.  

 1889 Dishwasher  

After ten times of work and multitudinous prototypes, Mrs. WA Cockran of Shelbyville, Indiana, eases kitchen labor far and wide by producing a practicable dishwashing machine.   

1891 Peep Show  

Thomas. Edison and William Dickson perfect their kinetoscope, a forerunner of the movie projector. observers watch through a small peephole as images pass between a lens and an electric light bulb at a rate of 46 frames per second. While the kinetoscope would lead directly to the development of moving filmland and the area of Hollywood, Edison considered the kinetoscope as no further than a toy.  

 1891 Escalator  

Jesse Reno introduces a new novelty lift at Coney Island. His moving stairway elevates passengers on a conveyor belt at an angle of 25 degrees. The device will be shown at the Paris Exposition of 1900, where it's called the escalator.  

 1892 Gasoline-powered Auto 

 In a  garret in Springfield, Massachusetts, sisters Frank and Charles Duryea fabricate the first gasoline-powered machine erected in the United States. It'll make its first successful run on the thoroughfares of Springfield in September 1893.  

 1893 Zipper 

 At the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Whitcomb L. Judson introduces his grasp locker, a hook-and-eye device that opened and closed with a sliding grasp. Advancements in the device by other formulators will continue; workers atB.F. Goodrich will sculpt the name" zipper" in 1923.   

1896 Automatic chapeau 

 James Boyle, of Washington, DC, makes public courtesy much more accessible for the ultramodern gentleman. His new chapeau tips automatically.   

1897 Player Piano  

Edwin Votey patents his tone- playing piano, which he calls the pianola. The instrument uses instructions recorded on perforated paper to drive a set of artificial rustic fritters poised above a piano keyboard. latterly performances placed the entire medium inside the body of the piano,  barring the fritters.   

1898 Submarine  

The TheJ.P. Holland torpedo boat company launches the first practical submarine, commissioned by theU.S. Navy. The test is successful. Holland gets orders for six further.   

1901 Shaving  King Camp Gillette, former traveling tackle salesperson of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, takes the threat out of paring with his new double-whetted safety razor. By the end of 1904, he'll have ended 90,000 razors and blades, but he'll die in 1932 with his dream of a  romantic society organized by masterminds unrealized.   

1902 Air Conditioning  

Working as a mastermind at the Buffalo Forge Company, Willis. Carrier designs the first system to control temperature and moisture. He'll go on to set up his own company, the Carrier Corporation, to produce air-  exertion outfits.   

1903 Aeroplane  

At Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, sisters Orville and Wilbur Wright break the powered flight  hedge with their gasoline-powered" FlyerI." The first powered, sustained, and controlled airplane flight in history lasts 12 seconds. Wilbur aviators the machine. On a flight latterly that day, Orville will remain above 59 seconds and trip 852  bases.   

1908 Model T  

Automaker Henry Ford introduces his Model T  machine. By 1927, when it's discontinued,15.5 million Model T's will be vented in theU.S. Ford owes much of his success to his bettered assembly line process, which by 1913 will produce a complete Model T every 93  twinkles.   

1911 tone Starter  

Charles. Kettering, who developed the electric cash register while working at National Cash Register, sells his electric machine starters to the Cadillac company. This device increases the fashionability of the gasoline-powered auto, which no longer needs to be started with a hand coil.   

1914 Panama Canal 

 After 36 times' labor, the ruin of thousands of investors, and the deaths of further than 25,000 men, the Panama Canal is finished. The conduit cuts the sailing distance from the East Coast to the West Coast by further than 8,000  long hauls.   

1917 War  

 colors arrive on the battlegrounds of Europe, where new technologies have created the bloodiest conflict in history. Armored tanks, machine ordnance,  toxic gas, submarines, and airplanes will force military commanders to reevaluate traditional strategies of war.   

1919 Hydrofoil  Alexander 

Grahams Bell's" Hydrodome IV" sets a world record of 70 mph for a water trip. The boat weighs over 10,000 pounds and uses aquatic fins to raise the housing of the boat and drop drag between the housing and the water.   

1920 KDKA  The first regular marketable radio broadcasts begin when AM station KDKA of Pittsburgh delivered the results of the Harding- Cox election to its listeners. Radio gests immediate success; by the end of 1922, 563 other certified stations will join KDKA.   

1921 Wirephoto  

The first electronically-transmitted snap is transferred by Western Union. The idea for a facsimile transmission was first proposed by Scottish clockmaker Alexander Bain in 1843.   1924 prosecution  In trouble to make capital discipline more humane, the State of Nevada introduces death by gas chamber. Condemned killer Gee John takes 6  twinkles to die.  

 1926 Rocket  Robert

Goddard, Professor of Physics at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, makes the first successful launch of a liquid-fueled rocket at his aunt Effie's ranch in Auburn, Massachusetts. The rocket reaches 41ft. in altitude.   

1927 TV  Philo Farnsworth demonstrates the first  TV for implicit investors by broadcasting the image of a bone sign. Farnsworth receives backing and applies for a patent, but ongoing patent battles with RCA will help Farnsworth from earning his share of the million-bone assiduity his invention will produce.   

1929 firmed Food  

Clarence Birdseye offers his quick-frozen foods to the public. Birdseye got the idea during fur-enmeshing peregrinations to Labrador in 1912 and 1916, where he saw the natives use indurating to save food.   

1931 Radio Astronomy  

While trying to track down a source of an electrical hindrance on telephone transmissions, Karl Guthe Jansky of Bell Telephone Laboratories discovers radio swells expiring from stars in external space.   1932 Defibrillator  Working at the exploration installations at Johns Hopkins University, Dr. William Bennett Kouwenhoven develops a device for jump-starting the heart with a burst of electricity.   

1937 Chair Lift 

 Skiers no longer have to climb hills to enjoy their sport. masterminds from the Union Pacific Railroad make a  president lift for the Dollar Mountain resort in Sun Valley, Idaho. Dollar Mountain follows with an order for six further.   

1938 Nylon  

A  platoon of experimenters working under Wallace H. Carothers atE.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company invents a plastic that can be drawn into strong, silk- suchlike filaments. Nylon will soon come popular as a fabric for hose as well as artificial operations similar to cordage.   

1939 Digital Computer  

John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry of Iowa State College complete the prototype of the first digital computer. It can store data and perform addition and deductions using double law. The coming generation of the machine will be abandoned before it's completed due to the onset of World War II.   

1940 Jeep 

 KarlK. Pabst of the Bantam Car.Co., Butler, Pennsylvania, produces a four-wheel drive vehicle that will come notorious as the jeep. Given its name by its military designation, G.P., or general-purpose, the jeep will be used for multitudinous transport operations throughout World War II and will come a popular domestic vehicle after the war.   

1942 infinitesimal response 

 A  platoon working under Italian exile Enrico Fermi at the University of Chicago produces the first controlled, tone-sustaining nuclear chain response. This trial and others will affect the development of the infinitesimal lemon.  

 1945 infinitesimal lemon  

A  platoon led byJ.R. Oppenheimer, ArthurH. Compton, Enrico Fermi, and Léo Szilard detonate the first infinitesimal lemon at the Los Alamos Lab near Santa Fé, New Mexico. Following the tests, the United States dropped two infinitesimal losers on Japan-- one at Hiroshima, one at Nagasaki-- that claimed further than 100,000 lives.  

 1947 Polaroid Camera

  Edwin H. Land introduces a new camera that can produce a developed photographic image in sixty seconds. The land will follow in the 1960s with a color model and ultimately admit further than 500 patents for his inventions in light and plastics technologies.  

 1948 Electric Guitar 

 Leo Fender launches the guitars that erected gemstone and roll when he debuts his Broadcaster solid-bodied electric guitar. latterly renamed the Telecaster, the guitar will come a favorite with guitar slingers worldwide.   

1951 UNIVAC 1 

 The Eckert and Mauchly ComputerCo. of Philadelphia sells the first marketable computer, the UNIVAC 1, to theU.S. Census Bureau. The memory called up data by transmitting sonic beats through tubes of mercury. A fresh 45 UNIVAC 1 machines would ultimately be vented.  

 1953 Heart-lung Machine  

JohnH. Gibbon performs the first successful open heart surgery in which the blood is instinctively circulated and oxygenated by a heart-lung machine. This new technology, which allows the surgeon to operate on a dry and motionless heart, greatly increases surgical treatment options for heart blights and complaints.   

1955 Nuclear Submarine 

 The Nautilus, the first nuclear submarine, revolutionizes nonmilitary warfare. Conventional submarines need two machines a diesel machine to travel on the face and an electric machine to travel submerged, where oxygen for a diesel machine isn't available. The Nautilus, the first nuclear sub, can travel numerous thousands of long hauls below the face with a single energy charge.   

1957 Polio Vaccine 

 Albert Sabin develops a polio vaccine using strains of polio too weak to beget infection but strong enough to spark the mortal vulnerable system. His invention will put an end to the polio pandemics that have crippled thousands of children worldwide.  

 1958 Explorer I  

Three months after the Soviet Union began the Space Age by launching Sputnik, theU.S. responds by transferring the Explorer I satellite into the route. Discoverer I's charge is to descry radiation; it discovers one of the Van Allen radiation belts.   

1960 Ray  

Working at Hughes Research Laboratories, physicist Theodore. Maiman creates the first ray. The core of his ray consists of a man-made ruby-- a material that had been judged infelicitous by other scientists, who rejected demitasse cores in favor of colorful feasts.   

1964 Operating System 

 IBM rolls out the Zilches/ 360, the first mass-produced computer operating system. Using the zilch/ 360, all computers in the IBM 360 family could run any software program. formerly IBM is a  mammoth in the computer assiduity, controlling 70 of the request worldwide.   

1965 Minicomputer  

Digital Equipment introduces the PDP-8, the world's first computer to use intertwined circuit technology. Because of its fairly small size and its low$ 18,000 price label, Digital sells several hundred units.   

1969 Moon Wharf Millions watch worldwide as the wharf module of NASA's Apollo 11 spacecraft touches down on the moon's face and Neil Armstrong becomes the first mortal to set bottom on the moon. President JohnF. Kennedy, who pledged to the world that the United States would put a  mortal on the moon before 1970, has not lived to substantiate the moment.   

1970 Optical Fiber  

Corning Glass announces it has created a glass fiber so clear that it can communicate beats of light. GTE and AT&T will soon begin trials to transmit sound and image data using fiber optics, which will transfigure the dispatches assiduity.   

1972 videotape Game 

 Pong, one of the first mass-produced videotape games, has come to the rage. Noland Bushnell, the 28-time-old innovator of Pong, will go on to set up Atari.

1974 Barcode 

 The first shipments of bar- enciphered products arrive in American stores. Scanners at checkout stations read the canons using Ray technology. The hand-punched keyboard cash register takes one step closer to fustiness.  

 1975 Microsoft 

 Old high academy musketeers Bill Gates and Paul Allen form a  cooperation known as Microsoft to write computer software. They vend their first software to Ed Roberts at MIT, which has produced the Altair 8800, the first microprocessor-grounded computer. Gates soon drops out of Harvard.   

1976 Super Computer  

Cray Research, Inc. introduces its first supercomputer, the Cray- 1, which can perform operations at a rate of computations per second. Supercomputers designed by Seymour Cray will continue to dominate the request; the Cray 2,  retailed in 1985, will be able to compute per second.   

1979 Human-Powered Flight 

 Cyclist Byron Allen crosses the English Channel in a pedal-powered aircraft called the Gossamer Albatross. The flight takes 2 hours, 49  twinkles, and wins a( sterling) 100,000 prize for its crew, headed by the developer. Paul MacCready. Constructed of Mylar, polystyrene, and carbon-fiber rods, the Albatross has a wingspan of 93  bases and 10 elevations and weighs about 70 pounds.  

 1981 Space Shuttle 

 For the first time, NASA successfully launches and lands its applicable spacecraft, the Space Shuttle. The shuttle can be used for a number of operations, including launch,  reclamation, and form of satellites, and as a laboratory for physical trials. While extremely successful, the shuttle program will suffer a disaster in 1986 when the shuttle Challenger explodes after takeoff, killing all on board.   

1982 Artificial Heart 

 Robert Jarvik implants an endless artificial heart, the Jarvik 7, into Dr. Barney Clark. The heart, powered by an external compressor, keeps Clark alive for 112 days.  

 1983 PC  

In January" Time" names its 1982" man" of the time the particular computer. PCs have taken the world by storm, dramatically changing the way people communicate. IBM dominates the particular computer request,  serving both the product of its own machines as well as"  duplicates" produced by other companies.  

 1985 inheritable Engineering 

 The USDA gives the go-ahead for the trade of the first genetically altered organism. The fleetly growing biotech assiduity will seek multitudinous patents, including one for a tomato that can be packed when ripe.   

1988 Graphic Stoner Interface 

 Apple files a suit charging that Microsoft has appropriated Apple's stoner-friendly graphical interface. The suit will fail, and Microsoft's star will continue to rise. By the  medial 1990s, Apple will be passing a painful and public fiscal shakeout. 

  1990 Hubble Telescope 

 The space shuttle Discovery deploys the Hubble Space Telescope 350  long hauls above the Earth. Although original excrescencies limit its capabilities, the Hubble will be responsible for multitudinous discoveries and advances in the understanding of space.

The Telephone

Thomas Edison called it an invention that" annihilated time and space and brought the  mortal family in  near touch." President RutherfordB. Hayes  supposed it was" one of the  topmost events since creation."  " The Telephone," is the story of an invention that ever changed the way the world interacts.

 From the foremost, most primitive instruments to the first seacoast-to-seacoast call, Academy Award-nominated directors Karen Goodman and Kirk Simon detail the wiring of America. Using  noway -  ahead- seen still photos and archival sound and film footage to  elicit a sense of the nation at the turn of the twentieth century," The Telephone" conveys the power of the invention and its overarching impact on 

American life.  

Alexander Graham Bell reluctantly presented his new device at America's Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia. 

He did not believe the world would be interested in his invention until he witnessed the startled and astonished responses of the Exposition scientists and judges, one of whom declared Bell's invention the most amazing thing he'd seen in America. Within a time of the centennial exhibition, Bell had installed 230 phones and had established the Bell Telephone Company. Four times after its creation, there were 60,000 phones; by the turn of the century, there were two million.

Despite its novelty and its rudimentary audio quality, the telephone took a quick and fierce hold on American society and soon came a necessity.   The first telephone drivers were boys, who soon earned a character for being rude and vituperative to each other as well as to the guests. The youthful women who replaced them didn't swear and were said to be brisk, and by 1910, New York Telephone had 6,000 women working on its switchboards. 

While the telephone joined  tutoring in eventually bringing significant  figures of women into the plant, there were rigid canons of dress and conduct the women had to follow." You could only use certain expressions —' Number please' and' Thank you,'" recalls a former driver, 98- time-old Marie McGrath." The  client could say anything they wanted to you, and you would say,' Thank you.'"   By 1915, the wiring of America was complete.

 In an undertaking as monumental as the construction of the trans- American road, AT&T  threaded 14,000  long hauls of bobby lines across the country. Thirty- nine times after the first demonstration of the telephone, the 68- time-old Bell was summoned by AT&T to New York to recreate his first call this time calling his friend and mate Thomas Watson in San Francisco.

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